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Version: v3.0.x LTS

z/OSMF troubleshooting

z/OSMF troubleshooting

The core command groups use the z/OSMF REST APIs, which can experience any number of problems.

If you encounter HTTP 500 errors with the CLI, consider gathering the following information:

  • The IZU* (IZUSVR and IZUANG) joblogs (z/OSMF server)
  • z/OSMF USS logs (default location: /global/zosmf/data/logs, but may change depending on installation)

If you encounter HTTP 401 errors with the CLI, consider gathering the following information:

  • Any security violations for the TSO user in SYSLOG

Alternate methods

At times, it may be beneficial to test z/OSMF outside of the CLI. You can use the CLI tool curl or a REST tool such as "Postman" to isolate areas where the problem might be occurring (CLI configuration, server-side, etc.).

Example curl command to GET /zosmf/info:

curl -k -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-CSRF-ZOSMF-HEADER: true"  ""

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